Trusts for innovation and development investment

“Orestes Fiandra” Financial Trust for innovation investment

This trust was established whereby trustors contribute funds to finance knowledge-intensive companies with significant growth potential but with difficulties accessing traditional financing due to their associated risk profile.

Development Trust Fund - ANDE

This trust manages the trust property allocated to viable and sustainable productive projects, aligned with strategic objectives and directions established by the Executive branch of government and by ANDE (National Development Agency). Its main purpose is to promote and support the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, including the process of internationalization, their development as suppliers to larger enterprises, and the collaborative association of joint ventures, as well as programmes oriented to entrepreneurship with strong innovative components.

     REIF Financial Trust 

UNIDO, a United Nations agency, established this trust to manage funds whose destination will be the financing of projects that contribute to large-scale financing for new and emerging renewable energy technologies, companies and activities aligned with its financing scope.

The Program, under which the trust is established, aims to decarbonize the industrial and transportation sectors, guarantee universal access to renewable sources, and increase innovation and competitiveness in the energy sector by reducing energy costs and increasing the participation of women in the clean energy economy.

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