

The Municipality of San José and República AFISA constituted the "SAN JOSÉ II FINANCIAL TRUST"

On July 30, 2020, the San José Municipality as Settlor and AFISA Republic in its capacity as Trustee constituted a new trust called “SAN JOSÉ II FINANCIAL TRUST”, by which the Municipality transfers present and future credits that it has to the right to receive from the SUCIVE Trust.The Municipality of San José and OSE, with the coordination of the Office of Planning and Budget (OPP), and within the framework of the Local Plan of Territorial Organization and Sustainable Development of Ciudad del Plata and its area of ​​influence, agreed to the execution of various sanitation works , storm drainage and roads, with the aim of improving the quality of life of the city's inhabitants.The Municipality is in charge of carrying out the road and storm drainage works, as well as other related works, which accompany the sanitation works. Said works will be financed through this trust, through the issuance of Private Offer Debt Securities for a maximum amount of UI 127 million, which will be acquired by the Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay.

NOTE: This information does not imply an offer of securities or an invitation to purchase them, the Trustee is prevented from making a public offering of this Trust, which is a private offering and is not registered in the Securities Market Registry.