Fideicomisos con Intendencias para financiación de proyectos y/o reestructuración de deudas
Trust property is formed by credits assigned from taxes, real estate or other assets of the respective municipalities and are used to finance public works or for the repayment of restructured debts.
In some cases, debt securities of private and public offer are issued as a way to pre-finance projected works.
República AFISA deals with the issuance of Securities, the funds administration and the works management.
The financial trusts currently managed are:
- Departmental Taxes for the Construction of Road Pavement and Storm Drains in Ciudad de la Costa
- Maldonado Social Housing
- Río Negro Industrial Park
- Restructuring of Liabilities Canelones I
- Canelones Roadworks and Infrastructure
- Rivera II
- San José
- UTE Restructuring Municipalities Debts from Public Lighting
- Florida I
- Río Negro Works I
- Paysandú II
- Capital Fund I
- Salto Daymán
- Canelones III
- Maldonado Housing Plans and Programs
- San José II
- Financing Replacement of Luminaires of Canelones I
- Agri-Food Fund
- Canelones 2022
- Montevideo Se Adelanta
- San Jose III
- Maldonado I
- Maldonado II
- Relocation of the Kennedy Settlement