

The Municipality of Paysandú and República AFISA constituted the “PAYSANDÚ II FINANCIAL TRUST”.

On March 1, 2021, the Municipality of Paysandú in its capacity as Settlor and República AFISA in its capacity as Trustee set up a Private Offering trust called “PAYSANDÚ II FINANCIAL TRUST”.

The trust was constituted in order to obtain long-term financing for up to an amount of IU 250 million, to carry out various public works in the Department.


Republica AFISA will manage the financing by taking a Loan with a local Banking Institution and with the funds obtained it will make the payments corresponding to the execution of the works.


The support for the repayment of the financing is the assignment of part of the present and future credits that the Municipality is entitled to receive from the SUCIVE Trust.


NOTE: This information does not imply an offer of securities or an invitation to purchase them, the Trustee is prevented from making a public offering of this Trust, which is a private offering and is not registered in the Securities Market Registry.